Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

REVIEW JURNAL INTERNASIONAL University Students’ Perception of Essential Mathematics and Elementary Statistics as Degree-Certification Requirement for Humanities


University Students’ Perception of Essential Mathematics and Elementary 
         Statistics as Degree-Certification Requirement for Humanities

                                       Pengampu: Prof. Dr. Sutama, M. pd

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Alhamdulillah segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam yang tiada Tuhan selain Allah. Shalawat serta salam semoga tercurah kepada nabi Muhammad SAW. Salah satu nikmat-NYA yang tidak ternilai harganya, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan review jurnal internasional.
Dalam artikel ini membahas tentang bagaimana calon guru memahami peran bahasa Inggris dalam proses belajar mengajar matematika pada pelajar bahasa Inggris. Selain itu juga memhami perubahan apa yang terjadi pada keyakinan calon guru matematika selama perkembangan program persiapan guru dengan susunan metode matematika dan mengetahui apa hubungan antara keyakinan calon guru matematika dengan pengetahuan konten khusus untuk mengajar matematika di akhir program pers. Selain itu review ini disusun untuk melengkapi tugas mata kuliah Penelitian Pendidikan Matematika.
Penulis mengucapkan banyak terima kasih untuk semua pembaca review ini. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas tulisan ini, masukan dan kritik membangun dari pembaca penulis nantikan.

Surakarta,11 April 2011



HALAMAN JUDUL.......................................................................................... i
KATA PENGANTAR........................................................................................ ii
DAFTAR  ISI...................................................................................................... iii
BAB  I...... PENDAHULUAN ...................................................................... .... 1
A.      Latar Belakang ........................................................................... 1
B.       Rumusan  Masalah...................................................................... 2
C.       Tujuan.......................................................................................... 2
D.      Manfaat....................................................................................... 2
BAB  II..... RINGKASAN JURNAL  .......................................................... .... 3
BAB III  .. PEMBAHASAN ......................................................................... .... 6
BAB IV ... PENUTUP........................................................................................ 8
A.      Kesimpulan ................................................................................. 8

A.   Latar Belakang
          Untuk waktu yang lama, perdebatan terhadap masuknya kurikulum program  numerik di beberapa universitas dan fakultas Afrika sering menjadi diskusi panas dengan banyak kebingungan da tidak biasa. Taktik yang sering di adopsi untuk di periksa kurikuler dan modifikasi, beberapa kali di perpanjang bahwa mngkin kebajikan yang salah dalam jangka panjang. Di sisi lain, peserta didik  untuk siapa program di rancang ulan mungkin tidak jadi istimewa karena beberapa saran menjadi diimplementasikan setelah debat senat dan persetujuan yang mungkin span beberapa bulan atau tahun. Kurikulum yang diperdebatkan tersebut adalah Matematika Dasar dan Statistik, Universitas program inti di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Nasional Lesotho. Fokus utama dari kurikuler mengganggu pada debat panjang kembali menyarankan apresiasi senat aturan yang haus mendesain ulang dan paket program differensial program inti tersebut karena mempengaruhi mahasiswa dari Fakultas Humaniora khususnya, dan fakultas selain ilmu-ilmu pada umumnya.
          Dalam Gagnon  dan Maccini (2007) meneliti persepsi guru dari (a) definisi Matematika (jika tidak, Statistik), (b) dengan topik keakraban , (c) metode kursus efektivitas  (d)  menggunakan persiapan dan frekuensi penggunaan strategi pengajaran yang efektif, dan (e) faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap penggunaan instruksional yang efektif strategi antara peserta didik khusus (yaitu penyandang cacat), ditemukan bahwa jumlah metode dan kursus diambil oleh guru unik dan secara signifikan berkontribusi pada sejumlah pendekatan instruksional, yang efektif Pendidik menggunkan baik umum maupun khusus.
Secara signifikan, pendidik khusus menggunkan  praktik pembelajaran secara empiris dalam peningkatan potensi pesera didik. Dari masuknya matematika dasar dan statistikmenjadi bagian dari persyaratan kurikulum bagi bagi pelajar Fakultas Seni. Statistik dasarmemiliki banyak manfaat terutama bagi peserta didik. Secara umum, pengetahuan tentang program numerik seperti matematika dan statistik dapat meningkatkan kecakapan peserta didik, ketangkasan teknis, kreatif seperti dalam persepsi, konsepsi, penalaranberfikir dan abstaksi.
B.   Rumusan Masalah
Berdasarkan latar belakang yang diuraikan diatas, maka dapat didefinisikan masalah-masalah sebagai berikut:
1.      Apakah pengetahuan tentang program numeric matematika dan statistik   dapat meningkatkan potensi peserta didik?
2.      Memeriksa persepsi peserta didik dan reaksi terhadap administrasi pendaftaran wajib dengan batas kelulusan minimum universitas untuk sertifikasi dalam matematika dan statistic.
C.   Tujuan Penelitian
Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam pembuatan review ini, sebagai berikut:
1.    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah program numeric matematika dan statistik   dapat meningkatkan potensi peserta didik?
2.    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memeriksa persepsi peserta didik dan reaksi terhadap administrasi untuk pendaftaran wajib dengan batas kelulusan minimum universitas untuk sertifikasi dalam matematika dan statistic.
D.   Manfaat Penelitian
Manfaat yang ingin di capai dari pembuatan review ini, sebagai berikut:
1.      Pengetahuan tentang program numerik seperti matematika dan statistik dapat meningkatkan kecakapan peserta didik, ketangkasan teknis, kreatif seperti dalam persepsi, konsepsi, penalaran, berpikir dan abstraksi.
          Masuknya kurikuler program numerik dan, atau (Pengecualian nya) di beberapa Universitas dan Fakultas. Kurikulum diperdebatkan tersebut adalah Matematika Dasar dan Statistik, dua Universitas inti-program di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Nasional Lesotho. Fokus utama dari kurikuler pada debat-panjang menyarankan kembali apresiasi senat aturan yang harus mendesain ulang dan paket diferensial program inti tersebut, terutama karena mereka mempengaruhi mahasiswa dari Fakultas Humaniora khususnya, tapi, Fakultas selain ilmu-ilmu pada umumnya. Dalam Gagnon dan Maccini (2007) studi yang meneliti persepsi guru dari (a) definisi Matematika (jika tidak, Statistik), (b) keakraban dengan topik saja, (c) efektivitas kursus metode (d) persiapan untuk menggunakan dan frekuensi penggunaan strategi pengajaran yang efektif, dan (e) faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap penggunaan instruksional yang efektif strategi antara peserta didik khusus (yaitu penyandang cacat), ditemukan bahwa jumlah metode dan kursus diambil oleh guru unik dan secara signifikan berkontribusi pada sejumlah pendekatan instruksional yang efektif yang Pendidik baik umum dan khusus dilaporkan menggunakan. Lebih lanjut menemukan bahwa secara signifikan, Pendidik lebih khusus dari pendidik umum melaporkan penggunaan tertentu praktik pembelajaran secara empiris divalidasi dalam peningkatan potensi peserta didik. Masuknya matematika dan dasar statistik sebagai bagian dari persyaratan kurikuler terutama bagi pelajar yang baik Fakultas Seni dan, atau Humaniora tidak dibahas.Memiliki baik, atau keduanya matematika dan, atau statistik dasar jelas tanpa ketidaktegasan banyak, namun memiliki banyak manfaat terutama bagi peserta didik. Secara umum, pengetahuan tentang program numerik seperti matematika dan statistik dapat meningkatkan kecakapan peserta didik dan atau ketangkasan teknis, kreatif seperti dalam persepsi, konsepsi, penalaran, berpikir dan abstraksi.
Program numerik di fakultas seni humaniora       
         Dalam konteks global, memiliki Bahasa Inggris sebagai prasyarat masuk yang kuatkondisi seperti terhadap kualifikasi numerik (Universitas Manitoba, 2007;. Universitas Nasional Lesotho, 2007abc, Universitas Ibadan, 2007). Misalnya di Universitas Ibadan, persyaratan penerimaan antara negara-negara lain yang masuk melalui UME yang dilakukan oleh Dewan Matrikulasi Pendaftaran Bersama(Kusen) untuk 100 program tingkat (yaitu Program Tahun pertama) tersedia untuk semua Fakultas. Kewajiban Masuk Umum adalah bahwa calon memiliki kredit dalam lima mata pelajaran yang relevan di satu duduk atau enam relevan mata pelajaran di dua Sitting. Gagasan bahwa baik matematika dan statistik dasar (Jika tidak, keduanya) karena itu harus merupakan persyaratan kelulusan wajib tampaknya keliru dalam murnihumaniora dan, atau seni program divonis dari perspektif Myers. Jika relatif, argumen suaralogis dan masuk akal, dan jika tidak matematika atau statistik dasar persyaratan matrikulasi, karena itu bisa menjadi masalah rumit pendaftaran peserta didik menarik 'dengan tanda lulus prasyarat untuk lulus.

Prosedur untuk administrasi dan kore kursus
        Sebuah fenomena yang sangat umum namun adalah bahwa di fakultas-fakultas humaniora dan, atau seni, matematika atau program matematika (dan juga statistik) adalah tidak diambil sebagai inti dan, atau wajib program matrikulasi mata kuliah atau lulus sertifikasi(Universitas Ibadan, 2007 dan Universitas Manitoba, 2007). Dengan demikian, sebagai konsekuensi, dan jika setelah matrikulasi universitas dan karena itu skrining, dan bahwa matematika (dan statistik) sebagai subjek / mata pelajaran menjadi penekanan dan persyaratan kelulusan. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa pada dua kurikuler (yaitu matematika dan statistik dasar) sebagai inti / wajib lulus kursus untuk sertifikasi Gelar. Penelitian jurnal Eropa Studi Pendidikan 1 (1), 2009 dimotivasi mempertimbangkan perdebatan usia panjang di seluruh Fakultas di Universitas Nasional Lesotho, penelitian ini membandingkan persepsi mahasiswa dalam Afrika dua Universitas yang memiliki latar belakang Fakultas serupa pada relevansi pendaftaran wajib mereka pada matematika dan statistik dasar. Dua Universitas adalah Universitas Nasional, Lesotho, Afrika Selatan dan University of Ibadan, Nigeria, Afrika Barat. Pengaturan penelitian adalah Universitas Ibadan, Nigeria dan National University of Lesotho, Lesotho. Universitas Ibadan dimulai sebagai sebuah perguruan tinggi universitas dan kemudian berafiliasi ke London pada 1948.

Peserta dan prosedur
         Cross-sectional survei desain penelitian ini digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk membandingkan pendapat siswa di tahun studi dan departemen / unit afiliasi. Menggunakan versi klaster sedikit dimodifikasi tahun akademik (yaitu pertama, kedua, ketiga dan keempat tahun studi atau hanya, 100, 200, 300 dan 400 tingkat) serta apakah sarjana muda dan, atau program pascasarjana tergantung pada institusi dan lingkungan, 609 peserta, mengikuti sederhana Format acak, terdiri sampel penelitian dalam jenis penelitian non-setara. Sementara 86 orang peserta kontribusi dari National University of Lesotho, 523 telah mendapat dari Universitas Ibadan, Nigeria. Sementara status sosial peserta dan afiliasi agama tidak dianggap relevan, rentang usia mereka adalah antara 17 dan 57 tahun dan usia rata-rata 34,71 (SD = 6.3).

Kuesioner Administrasi
          Pengawas penelitian secara khusus digunakan dalam administrasi salinan kuesioner di Universitas Ibadan, Nigeria dan perwakilan mahasiswa di Universitas Nasional Lesotho untuk penelitian. Para pengawas yang penjelasan tentang tujuan penelitian selama pelatihan sementara menekankan bahwa skala tidak diminati salah atau kanan respon sementara partisipasi adalah opsional. Meskipun Mahasiswa Persepsi Skala Program Numerik (SPONPS) memiliki seluruh sub-bagian diberikan kepada peserta di Universitas Ibadan, hanya 'D' sub-bagian diberikan kepada peserta di Universitas Nasional Lesotho.

          Persepsi Mahasiswa Program Skala Numerik [SPONPS] adalah instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian. Persepsi Mahasiswa Program Skala Numerik [SPONPS] adalah instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian. Dirancang oleh para peneliti, SPONPS dibangun sebagai respon cepat untuk argumen pada kebuntuan pada Eropa Jurnal Studi Pendidikan 1 (1), 2009  terus menerus Fakultas Seni dan, atau partisipasi Humaniora siswa dan, atau (sebaliknya) di Matematika 1330 dan Statistik Dasar 1381 di SPONPS NUL.The memiliki sub-bagian A, B, C dan D dengan 9, 7, 8 dan 5 item masing-masing. Di sub-bagian 'A' para peserta diharapkan untuk memberikan alasan erat dengan pilihan mereka program dan atau pilihan karir di Fakultas Seni / Humaniora sementara di 'B' bereaksi sub-bagian ke kegunaan Matematika dan Statistik Dasar untuk Program Universitas mereka. Para peserta adalah diharapkan untuk menyatakan keputusan kemungkinan besar mereka, harus baik kurikuler menjadi wajib untuk sertifikasi derajat (ayat 'C') tetapi pada ayat 'D' mereka diharapkan untuk hanya menilai kegunaan matematika penting dan statistik dasar serta membuat pilihan harus kesempatan untuk menjatuhkan salah satu program yang menawarkan. Meskipun SPONPS diputar melalui penilaian ahli 'untuk wajah dan validitas konten, namun memiliki respon format untuk sub-bagian A, B dan C dalam versi titik 2-Likert dimodifikasi sementara di sub-bagian 'D' dalam 5 - menunjukkan skala. Mengikuti paradigma ganjil dan genap, keandalan koefisien (r) 0,85 (sub-bagian 'A'); 0,75 (ayat 'B') dan 0,78 (sub-bagian 'C') yang diamati.
             Menggunakan informasi seperti ditunjukkan dari temuan dalam penelitian ini, cukup beralasan untuk menyarankan sebuah universitas di seluruh Tinjauan kurikuler terutama di Universitas Nasional Lesotho. Dalam mengadopsi     indeks dari universitas inti / program wajib, program universitas kritis dan, atau program di seluruh disiplin ilmu dan mungkin, fakultas, bisa diputar melalui komite dewan akademik. Misalnya, di bagian awal 1990-an, Universitas Ibadan didesain ulang dan dikemas program ketika senat universitas menemukan bahwa matriculants universitas yang berkinerja buruk dalam ekspresi gramatikal mereka di berbagai disiplin ilmu. Bahwa adalah ketika Studi Umum (GES) diperkenalkan. The GES memiliki empat sub-kategori yang ilmu pengetahuan dan umat manusia, budaya dan masyarakat, umumnya bahasa Inggris dan program kejuruan. Pada hari ini, dan karena saat ini yang Eropa Jurnal Studi Pendidikan 1 (1), 2009 11 halnya dengan Universitas Ibadan, Nigeria, siswa (jika tidak, universitas matriculants), tergantung pada mereka disiplin ilmu masing-masing, yang wajib diharapkan mendaftar untuk GES kursus yang ditunjuk.
Untuk universitas Nasional Lesotho, bukan siswa yang meminta untuk wajib memilih, mendaftar dan mendapatkan universitas minimal lulus tanda dalam matematika dan statistik, saran adalah pada program pengemasan ulang. Demikian kursus seperti matematika (M1330) dan statistik (ST 1381) misalnya, bisa dikelompokkan (jika tidak, terendam) bersama dengan program lain seperti logika (yaitu Departemen Filsafat) dan studi keluarga / budaya (seperti dalam Sosial Antropologi dan Sosiologi Departemen). Ini paradigma, yang dapat diambil sebagai paradigma disarankan pertama dapat tagged Budaya dan Masyarakat. Sebuah paradigma kedua dalam usulan dapat menggabungkan pengetahuan umum melibatkan Bahasa Inggris, studi pahlawan (seperti dalam Departemen Sejarah), pendidikan moral (seperti dalam Teologi dan Studi Keagamaan Departemen). Ketiga, sebuah program yang dapat tagged ilmu pengetahuan dan umat manusia bisa melibatkan dipilih program dalam ilmu-ilmu umum. Paradigma keempat adalah di bidang kejuruan; dan mungkin termasuk
kursus di Teknik / Teknologi Departemen, studi bisnis, ilmu Pertanian (seperti dalam Bisnis
Administrasi dan Departemen Ekonomi dan Teknologi dan Departemen Pertanian). Dalam paradigmatik desain, departemen dan atau fakultas mana peserta didik termasuk karena itu akan menentukan apa cluster pelajar akan mendaftar. Sebagai contoh, akan diharapkan bahwa paradigma akan memiliki peserta didik dari sciencebased disiplin ilmu untuk menawarkan program tambah dari humaniora dan ilmu sosial berbasis sub-kategori untuk mereka
gelar sertifikasi. Satu dimensi penting dan menarik dalam paradigma yang disarankan adalah kemampuannya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta didik umumnya, di seluruh program-program universitas tersedia. Peserta didik misalnya yang akan bergerak di seluruh fakultas untuk pendaftaran dalam program umum harus, di akhir karier mereka di universitas, memiliki pengetahuan dasar tersedia dalam disiplin lain selain program matrikulasi mereka. Humaniora dan ilmu sosial berbasis pelajar mungkin memiliki beberapa informasi untuk meningkatkan erat misalnya, peternakan unggas, aeronautika dan mobil meskipun pengetahuan dasar tersebut mungkin dangkal. Mereka dari berbasis ilmu pengetahuan program matrikulasi akan sama-sama memiliki beberapa ide dan pingsan, atau pengetahuan tentang filsuf Afrika, pahlawan piutang mereka paparan program diferensial dikemas dalam budaya dan masyarakat. Yang penting, peserta didik akan mendapatkan nilai untuk uang mereka dan upaya serta menjadi lebih dan lebih baik terpenuhi. Mereka akan memperoleh erat informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk kemajuan pribadi dan kolektif dan yang tentu saja,
akan berdampak pada pertumbuhan nasional dengan cara kurang stres. Karena itu, daripada takut dari matematika, atau statistik, kedua program akan diajarkan dan dipelajari dengan kemudahan yang diharapkan. Ekses dari akademisi muda dan, atau, yang mungkin mungkin, untuk personalisasi tanggung jawab fakultas akan menjadi keseluruhan diversifikasi sebagai matematika sekarang bisa terendam dan mengajar bersama dengan terkait program seperti yang disarankan dalam paradigma dalam program ilmu pengetahuan dan umat manusia, budaya dan masyarakat dan atau keluarga. Harga diri baik peserta didik dan fasilitator akademik karena itu bisa mendapatkan didorong sebagai pengetahuan akan dibagi symbiotically dan interdependently. Sebuah buklet penelitian untuk studi umum (GES) yang akan tercermin dalam budaya dan masyarakat, ilmu pengetahuan dan umat manusia misalnya, mungkin mendapatkan fasilitator akademis untuk membawa untuk menanggung perspektif yang berbeda dan pengalaman di seluruh fakultas dan departemen serta disiplin individu untuk pengembangan bab 'sedemikian program sama seperti saat ini kasus di Universitas Ibadan, Nigeria. Untuk membawa saran ini untuk menanggung, universitas Nasional Lesotho harus bersedia untuk menyediakan logistik yang diperlukan dalam hal dana dan moral untuk mendorong pengembangan kurikulum baru dan yang, mungkin akan menjadi bagian dari visi dan pemahaman.

             Penelitian pada dasarnya telah memeriksa persepsi peserta dan reaksi terhadap administrasi tentang  keputusan untuk pendaftaran wajib dengan batas kelulusan minimum universitas untuk sertifikasi dalam matematika (1330) dan statistik (1381) di NUL khususnya, kertas berpendapat untuk relevansi dan adaptasi dari tipologis paradigma dikenal sebagai Studi Umum (GES) Tipologi disarankan (yaitu empat tipologi) jika mencoba., memiliki potensi untuk mengurangi stres baik di pihak fasilitator akademik (yaitu Dosen) dan mahasiswa umumnya. Sebagai bagian dari isi dimaksudkan tipologi, penataan yang sedang membayangkan harus menyediakan dasar untuk: (a) Sains dan Manusia (kombinasi program namun matematika dasar, fisika dasar, kimia, kimia, dll dan yang merupakan tipologi satu), (b) Gunakan bahasa Inggris (pengetahuan umum bahasa Inggris, yaitu tipologi dua), (c) Kebudayaan dan Etika (informasi dasar tentang logika-Filsafat, moral studi-Teologi, studi Sosial-keluarga bekerja, dll, yang tipologi tiga) dan, (d) studi Kejuruan (kursus dasar dalam pertanian ilmu pengetahuan, ekonomi, rekening, etc-tipologi empat). Karena itu, dan sebagaimana tercermin dalam tipologi menyarankan, para siswa, tergantung bidang
dari khusus (jika tidak, fakultas) bisa menggabungkan dua atau tiga dari empat tipologi dari yang minimum Eropa Jurnal Studi Pendidikan 1 (1), 2009 12 universitas lulus tanda dapat diperoleh untuk sertifikasi. Dalam kebaikan analogi ini, statistik (jika tidak, statistik 1381as di Nul) kemudian dapat dimasukkan dan diajarkan dalam program universitas di 'Metodologi Penelitian'.

                                                          Daftar Pustaka

Table I: Faculty of Arts/Humanities Participants’ Career Choice Reasons Distribution
Type of Item Statements
I am very good in science-related subjects
I like mathematics
I hate anything like literary subjects (e.g. English Language,
literature-in-English, etc)
0 (0.0%)
I hate anything like literary subjects (e.g. English Language,
literature-in-English, etc)
The Faculty of Arts has disciplines as history, communication
and Language Arts, English Language, Philosophy, theatre arts
and some other expressive programmes and I think that is
Where somebody like me belong.
I prefer one of the courses there considering my background which is
purely Art/humanities-based from High (Secondary) School subjects
Because of my future career ambition
I have always loved to be here in this Faculty
Because I know that I won’t have to offer any science-related
subject nor mathematics

Table II: Mathematics/Statistics Usefulness Distribution
Mathematics is very useful to my course only
0 (0.0%)
It is only statistics that is directly related to my programme
Statistics and Mathematics are very useful to my programme
Both mathematics and statistics are not useful to courses in the
Faculty of Arts in any way
Information in my course does not need any quantification
They are neither related nor useful in any way to my area of
It could be, if it is only to enhance knowledge but not
directly relevant even after University career

Table III: Participants’ Reaction to Mathematics/Statistics Distribution Table III: Participants’ Reaction to Mathematics/Statistics Distribution
I should not have applied in the first instance
I don’t think that will bother me at all
Well that will be alright
That could create confusion
I will definitely be in for some kind of trouble if that is the case
I don’t know if I will manage
That will give me joy as I usually like to calculate
My efforts and desires would be frustrated

European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 2009
University Students’ Perception of Essential Mathematics and Elementary Statistics as
Degree-Certification Requirement for Humanities: A Comparative Study of the
National University of Lesotho and the University of Ibadan
Osiki, J. O.1, Mushonga, M1 & Falaye, ‘Jibola2
1National University of Lesotho, Lesotho, Southern Africa
2University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Abstract: As a swift response to the continuous debate on curricular review, the study examined the perception of
selected university students’ to the core/compulsory nature of mathematics and statistics in the faculty of
arts/humanities. Using the cross-section survey research design, 609 participants with age range of 17 and 57 years
(X=34.71; SD=6.3) were randomly drawn from the National University of Lesotho, Southern Africa and the University
of Ibadan, Nigeria. The Students’ Perception to Numerical Programmes (SPONPS) was used while the ANOVA and the
frequency counts using percentage were the statistical methods utilized at the alpha level of 0.05. Critical in the
findings was that while 99.0% of the participants indicated that mathematics, and, or statistics is not directly related to
their disciplines [F(2,609)=3.23;P<0.05], 16.3 % and 20.9% reseaoned that generally, both courses are useful.
Arising from the findings, a typological paradigm was therefore suggested for adaptation particularly at the NUL.
Keyword: University Students, Essential Mathematics, Elementary Statistics, Humanities
For a long time, the debate for and, or against the curricular inclusion of numerical programmes and, or otherwise
(its exclusion) across some African Universities and Faculties is often a heated discussion with much confusions and
unusual conjectures. Such discussions most times may have individuals at different divide with little or no recourse
to the critical issues favoring either curricular necessities/review and, or University senate rules. The tactics often
adopted for curricular review and, or modification, are also some times prolonged that its virtues may be
misunderstood on the long run. On the other hand, learners for whom the programmes are being redesigned may not
be that privileged as some of the review suggestions would have become implementable after senate due debate and
approval which may span some extra months and, or years. Such debated curricula are Mathematics and Elementary
Statistics, two University core- programmes in the Faculty of Humanities, the National University of Lesotho. The
central focus of these curricular bothers however, on the age-long debate suggesting a re-appreciation of senate rule
that should redesign and package differentially such core programmes, especially as they affect students from the
Faculty of Humanities in particular, but, Faculties other than the sciences in general.
In Gagnon and Maccini (2007) study that examine teacher perceptions of (a) definition of Mathematics (otherwise,
Statistics); (b) familiarity with course topics; (c) effectiveness of methods courses; (d) preparation to use and
frequency of use of effective instructional strategies; and (e) factors contributing to the use of effective instructional
strategies among special learners(i.e. the physically challenged), it found that the number of methods and courses
taken by teachers uniquely and significantly contributed to the number of effective instructional approaches that
both general and Special Educators reported using. It further found that significantly, more Special Educators than
general educators reported the use of specific empirically validated instructional practices in the enhancement of
learners’ potentials. Although Gagnon and Maccini investigative outcome was quite outstanding, and others like it
European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 2009
© 2008 Ozean Publication
European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 2009
(Charalambous & PItta-Pantazi, 2007; Connery, 2007), the salient dimension of the inclusion of mathematics and
elementary statistics as part of curricular requirement especially for students in either the Faculties of Arts and, or
Humanities was not discussed.
Having either, or both the mathematics and, or elementary statistics obviously without much equivocation, however
has a lot of merits especially for learners. Generally, the knowledge of numerical programmes such as mathematics
and statistics can boost learners prowess and, or dexterity technically, creatively as in perception, conception,
reasoning, thinking and abstractions. Supporting the argument for the relevance of numerical programmes Faircloth
(2007) and in particular, Myers (2007) provided insight into the often “why” question of mathematics and, or
statistics as it were. According to Myers, mathematics facilitates learning comprehensively. Elaborating further,
Myers said that the ability to ask relatively simple questions (why are there 360 degrees in a circle?, why is the sum
of the measures of the interior angles of a triangle 180 degrees?, why is it that only certain shapes of tiles are used in
kitchens and bathrooms?, what does the measure of an angle have to do with soccer ball) usually leads to
wonderfully interesting and interrelated directions.
Numerical Programmes in the Faculties of Arts/Humanities
Within global context, though with little exceptions, the programmes that epitomize the Arts and, or Humanities
Faculties among others, though not exhaustive, has the English Language as a strong prerequisite admission
condition as against numerical qualification (University of Manitoba, 2007;.National University of
Lesotho,2007abc, University of Ibadan,2007). For instance at the University of Ibadan, the admission requirements
among others states that admission through UME which is conducted by the Joint Admission Matriculation Board
(JAMB) for 100 level courses (i.e. first Year Programmes) is available to all the Faculties.
The General Entry Requirement is that candidates have credits in five relevant subjects at one sitting or six relevant
subjects at two sittings. A Credit Pass in English Language is compulsory for all while a Credit Pass in Mathematics
is also compulsory for those seeking admission to Science based Faculties, but a Pass in Mathematics shall be
allowed in the case of Faculty of the Social Sciences for all courses except Economics where a credit in
Mathematics is compulsory. Candidates seeking Admission to the Faculties of Arts, Law and Education for Arts
based Teaching subjects need not pass Mathematics except for the Departments of Guidance and Counseling and
Educational Management where a Credit Pass is compulsory.
In the Myers (2007) position, and which further reinforces University entry matriculation requirements as it were,
mathematics was perceived as a good foundational and very crucial subject for a large number of careers in sciences,
engineering, medicine, technology and business. According to Myers, the applications of mathematics in those fields
constitute much more than just possessing skills. The notion that either mathematics and, or elementary statistics
(otherwise, both) should therefore constitute a mandatory graduation requirement seems a misnomer in the purely
humanities and, or arts programmes adjudged from Myers’ perspective. If comparatively, the argument sounds
logical and reasonable, and that if neither the mathematics nor elementary statistics are matriculation requirements,
it could therefore be a knotty issue compelling learners’ registration with a prerequisite pass mark for graduation.
Administrative Procedure and Core Courses
Generally, though with regular modification in terms of programmes creation for inclusion and, or exclusion, some
of the programmes in the Faculties of Arts (otherwise, Humanities) are: History, Theology and Religious Studies,
English Language, Communication and Language Arts, Linguistics, Philosophy and Theatre Arts. A quick reference
point here could be that of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Sometimes, but with acceptable
modification by consensus and Senate wisdom, others as Modern European Languages, French and Cultural Studies
also get independent autonomy to run as separate units and, or departments. A very common phenomenon however
is that in the faculties of humanities and, or arts, mathematics nor mathematical programmes (and also statistics) are
neither taken as core and, or compulsory matriculation courses nor graduation programme for certification
(University of Ibadan, 2007 and University of Manitoba, 2007). Though a vital requirement is the English
Language, others may include Religious knowledge (Christian or Islamic in some institutions as the University of
Ibadan), Government, Literature-in-English, Arabic, French, Fine Arts and Social Studies without recourse to
mathematics. Thus, in consequence, and if after university matriculation and screening therefore, and that
mathematics (and statistics) as a subject/subjects became the emphasis and a graduation requirement, that decision
may be the outcome of administrative fiat in one or two universities and may not be the vogue elsewhere.
The Study and Setting
The primary aim of the study was to investigate the perception of university students on two curricular (i.e.
mathematics and elementary statistics) as core/compulsory graduation courses for Degree certification. This study
European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 2009
was motivated considering the age-long debate across Faculties at the National University of Lesotho where this has
been the vogue. The argument in particular presently affects the Faculty of Humanities where in specific terms, the
composition of course programmes that are maintained by the different Departments/Units are not science-related
but students in the Faculty are mandatorily expected to register and secure a minimum performance grade of 50%
and, or above in both mathematics and elementary statistics for Degree certification. Although the debate
unequivocally affects other Faculties within the university, the present study compares the perception of students in
two African Universities that have similar Faculty background on the relevance of their compulsory registration on
mathematics and elementary statistics. The two Universities are the National University, Lesotho, Southern Africa
and the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa.
The settings of the study were the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and the National University of Lesotho, Lesotho.
The University of Ibadan began as a university college and affiliated then to London in 1948. The university is made
up of several faculties, institutes, and the college of Medicine while it is located within the ancient city of Ibadan,
Oyo State, Nigeria and in West Africa. While the university of Ibadan has close to 30,000 and, or above students
population, the Faculty of Arts which is the focus of the present study is an outstanding faculty having several
Departments and programmes among which are History, Philosophy, Religious Studies, English Language,
Communication and Language Arts, Modern European Languages, Linguistics, Theatre Arts and archaeology and
anthropology. All academic Departments/Units at the Faculty of Arts and the University of Ibadan generally, as
other universities in Nigeria, usually earn accreditation from the National University Commission (NUC).The NUC
is the national regulatory body of programmes/facilities in Nigerian Universities.
The National University of Lesotho on the other hand is in Southern part of Africa. The National University of
Lesotho (NUL) is situated in Roma, 35 kilometers away from Maseru, the capital of Lesotho, on the site of the
former Pius XII College. Though her origin dates back to history and as far back as 1945 with a Catholic University
College founded in Roma by the Roman Catholic hierarchy of South Africa, the NUL is an autonomous institution
granting its own degrees and governed by Council with her senate attending academic matters.NUL equally boasts
of several faculties but few institutes and a students population of about 10,000.Prominent in its faculties is the
Faculty of Humanities which is the second focus of the present study. In NUL presently, students at the Faculty of
Humanities offer both the mathematics (Maths 1330) and the elementary statistics (Stat 1381) as core/compulsory
courses for degree certification. In the 2005/2006 academic session the university generally witnessed an
unfathomed deficient academic performance with students’ results and in particular, in mathematics 1330 and
elementary statistics 1381. What is prominent in the discussion now is the wit needed to convince otherwise the
administrative fiat that has enshrined the two curricular while making them compulsory in a non-science based
Participants and procedure
The cross-sectional survey research design was utilized in the study to compare students’ opinion across years of
study and departments/units affiliation. Using the slightly modified cluster version of academic year (i.e. first,
second, third and fourth years of study or simply, 100, 200, 300 and 400 levels) as well as whether baccalaureate
and, or graduate programme depending on the institution and environment, 609 participants, following the simple
random format, made up the study sample in a non-equivalent research type. While 86 were the participants
contributed from the National University of Lesotho, 523 were got from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. While the
participants’ social status and religious affiliations were not considered relevant, their age range however was
between 17 and 57 years and a Mean age of 34.71 (SD=6.3) was observed.
Questionnaire Administration
Research proctors were particularly used in the administration of the copies of questionnaire at the University of
Ibadan, Nigeria and students representatives at the National University of Lesotho for the study. The proctors were
briefed on the purpose of the study during training while emphasizing that the scale does not attract any wrong nor
right response while participation was optional. Although the Students’ Perception to Numerical Programme Scale
(SPONPS) had the entire sub-sections administered to participants at the University of Ibadan, only sub-section ‘D’
was administered to participants at the National University of Lesotho.
The Students’ Perception to Numerical Programme Scale [SPONPS] was the research instrument used in the study.
Designed by the researchers, the SPONPS was constructed as a swift response to the argument on the stalemate on
European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 2009
continuous Faculty of Arts and, or Humanities students’ participation and, or (otherwise) in Mathematics 1330 and
Elementary Statistics 1381 at the NUL.The SPONPS has sub-sections A,B,C and D with 9, 7, 8 and 5 items
respectively. In sub-section ‘A’ the participants were expected to provide reasons germane to their choice of
programmes and, or career selection in the Faculty of Arts/Humanities while in sub-section ‘B’ react to the
usefulness of Mathematics and Elementary Statistics to their University Programmes. The participants were
expected to state their likely decision, should both curricular becomes compulsory for degree certification (subsection
‘C’) but in sub-section ‘D’ they were expected to simply rate the usefulness of essential mathematics and
elementary statistics as well as making a choice should an opportunity to drop one of the courses offers.
Though the SPONPS was screened through experts’ judgment for face and content validity, it however had its
response format for sub-sections A, B and C in the 2-Likert modified point version while in sub-section ‘D’ in the 5-
point scale. Following the odd and even paradigm, the coefficient reliability (r) of 0.85 (sub-section ‘A’); 0.75 (subsection
‘B’) and 0.78 (sub-section ‘C’) were observed.
Data Analysis
One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the descriptive statistics of percentages at the alpha levels of 0.05
were the computational methods adopted.
Results and Discussion
Essentially, the findings showed among others that majority of the students (97.3%) who participated in the study
offered to pursue courses in the Faculty of Arts/Humanities due to their perceived knowledge that such university
programmes involving mathematics and, or statistics would not be in the curricular. While 94.3% of the participants
reasoned that if they had the slighted information that either mathematics and, or statistics was needed for their
Degree certification, they would have considered application elsewhere; they were unanimous when they disagreed
that mathematics (100.0%) and statistics (99.0%) were either related to their programme or very useful to university
course of their enrollment/registration (tables I,II and III, appendix).Only 1.3% of the participants however
perceived favorably the usefulness of both mathematics and statistics to the programmes in the Faculty of
Responding to the item-statement that requested the participants’ likely reaction assuming if either and, or both of
the courses were made compulsory, 86.2% said that they would definitely be in for some kind of problem while only
13.8 %( table III, Q5) felt otherwise. Using the directional item-statements as reflected on section ‘D’ (items 1and 2)
and as shown in the appendix, where participants generally were requested to rate the usefulness of mathematics in a
continuum, the findings indicated that it was not statistically significant (tables IV and V) even though some obvious
discrepancies in terms of Mean-score differences were observed. Figures I to III also show the graphical summary
where bar chats were used. What the phenomenon meant is that asking learners the usefulness of both mathematics
and, or statistics is different from asking the same question in relation to their area of studies. Thus without much
equivocation, the implication is that while both courses may be relevant and useful generally, in specific term, such
relevance may not be directly hinged to their disciplines and future aspirations.
However, when the observed data were subjected to the use of the ANOVA, it showed that there was main statistical
effects with [F(8,514)=3.54;P<0.05] while it is not statistically significant at the level of the participants
[F(2,522)=3.23;P<0.05]; undergraduate level [F(8,608)=10.84;P>0.05] and university level
[F(2,514)=17.11;P>0.05] respectively. It was never the less statistically significant at the gender level [F(2,
522)=5.71;P<0.05] as summarized in table
Using the information as indicated from the findings in the study, it may be reasonable to suggest a university-wide
curricular review particularly at the National University of Lesotho. In adopting the index of university
core/compulsory programmes, critical university courses and, or programmes across disciplines and perhaps, the
faculties, could be screened through the academic board committee. For instance, in the early part of the 1990s, the
University of Ibadan redesigned and packaged her programmes when the university senate discovered that the
university matriculants were performing poorly in their grammatical expression across the various disciplines. That
was when the General Studies (GES) was introduced. The GES has four sub-categories which are science and
mankind, culture and society, general English and the vocational programme. As at today, and as it is presently the
European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 2009
case with the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, students (otherwise, university matriculants), depending on their
respective disciplines, are mandatorily expected to register for the GES designated courses.
For the National university of Lesotho, rather than requesting students to compulsorily select, register and obtain a
university minimum pass mark in mathematics and statistics, the suggestion is on programme repackaging. Such
courses like mathematics (M1330) and statistics (ST 1381) for instance, could be clustered (otherwise, submerged)
along with other courses such as logics (i.e. Department of Philosophy) and family studies/culture (as in Social
Anthropology and Sociology Department). This paradigm, which may be taken as the first suggested paradigm
could be tagged Culture and Society. A second paradigm within the suggestion could combine general knowledge
involving English Language, hero studies (as in History Department), Moral education (as in Theology and
Religious Studies Department). Third, a programme that may be tagged science and mankind could involve selected
programmes in the sciences generally. The fourth paradigm would be in the vocational area; and may include
courses in Engineering/Technology Department, business studies, Agricultural science (as in Business
Administration and Economics Departments and technology and Agriculture Departments). In this paradigmatic
design, the departments and, or faculties to which the learners belong would therefore determine what cluster the
learner would register for. For example, it would be expected that the paradigms would have learners from sciencebased
disciplines to offer added programmes from the humanities and social science-based sub-categories for their
degree certification.
One paramount and interesting dimension in the suggested paradigm is its ability to enhance learners’ knowledge
generally, across university available programmes. Learners for instance who would have moved across the faculties
for registration in the general programmes should, at the end of their university careers, have the basic knowledge
available in other disciplines other than their matriculation programmes. Humanities- and social science-based
learners may have some information germane to raising for instance, the poultry farms, aeronautics and automobile
even though such basic knowledge may be shallow. Those from the science-based matriculation courses would
equally have some faint ideas and, or knowledge about African Philosophers, heroes and heroines due from their
exposure to differential programmes packaged in culture and society.
Importantly, learners would get value for their money and efforts as well as become more and better fulfilled. They
would acquire needed information germane to their personal and collective advancement and which of course,
would impact on the national growth in less stressful way. In consequence therefore, rather than been afraid of
mathematics and, or statistics, both programmes would be taught and learnt with the expected ease.
The excesses of young academics and, or otherwise, which may be likely, to personalize faculty responsibilities
would have overall become diversified as mathematics may now be submerged and taught along with related
programmes as suggested in the paradigms in science and mankind, culture and society and, or family programmes.
The self esteem of both learners and academic facilitators could therefore get boosted as knowledge would be shared
symbiotically and interdependently. A study booklet for general studies (GES) to be reflected in culture and society,
science and mankind for instance, may get academic facilitators to bring to bear their different perspective and
experiences across faculties and departments as well as individual disciplines for chapters’ development in such
programmes just as it is presently the case at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. To bring these suggestions to bear,
the National university of Lesotho should be willing to provide the necessary logistics in terms of funding and the
morale to prompt the development of new curricula and which, may then become part of a new vision and
While the study essentially has examined participants’ perception and reactions to the continuous administrative
decision for compulsory registration with university minimum pass mark for certification in mathematics (1330) and
statistics (1381) at the NUL in particular, the paper argues for the relevance and adaptation of a typological
paradigm to be known as General Studies (GES).The suggested typology (i.e. four typologies) if tried, has the
potential for stress reduction both on the part of the academic facilitators (i.e. Lecturers) and the students generally.
As part of the intended content of the typology, the arrangement being envisioned should provide the basis for :(a)
Science and Mankind (course combination are basic mathematics, basic physics, chemistry, chemistry, etc and
which is typology one); (b) Use of English (general knowledge of English, that is typology two); (c) Culture and
Ethics( basic information on logics-Philosophy, moral studies-Theology, family studies-Social works ,etc, that is
typology three) and, (d) Vocational studies (basic courses in agriculture science, economics, accounts, etc-typology
four). In consequence therefore, and as reflected in the suggested typologies, the students, depending on their area
of specialty (otherwise, faculties) could combine any two or three of the four typologies from which a minimum
European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 2009
university pass mark could be obtained for certification. In the merit of this analogy, statistics (otherwise, statistics
1381as in NUL) may then be subsumed and taught under university programme in ‘Research methodology’.
Charalambous, C.Y. & PItta-Pantazi, D. (2007).Drawing on a Theoretical Model to Study Students’ Understanding
of Fractions. Educational Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 64 (No.3):293-316
Connery, K.F. (2007). Graphing Predictions. Science Teacher, vol. 74 (No. 2):42-46 Faircloth, D.B. (2007).
Measuring Up. Teaching Pre K-8, vol.37 (No.4):52-53
Gagnon, J.C. & Maccini, P. (2007).Teacher-Related Use of Empirically Validated and Standards-Based
Instructional Approaches in Secondary Mathematics. Remedial and Special Education, Vol. 28 (No.!): 43-56
Myers, P. (2007). Why? Why? Why?: Future Teachers Discover Mathematical Depth. Phi. Delta Kappan, vol.88
(no. 9):691-694
National University of Lesotho 2006/2007 Calendar (a)(2006).NUL Public Affairs Office, National University of
Lesotho, Lesotho.
National University of Lesotho (b) 2007/2008 Information Sheet National University of Lesotho (c) Retrieved May
31, 2007, from default.htm
University of Ibadan Retrieved May 31, 2007, from
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Arts. Retrieved May 31, 2007, from http://www.umanitoba.
Section [A]: Reasons for Career selection in the Faculty of Arts/Humanities
Table I: Faculty of Arts/Humanities Participants’ Career Choice Reasons Distribution
s/n Type of Item Statements Agree Disagree
1 I am very good in science-related subjects 7(1.3%) 516(98.7%)
2 I like mathematics 17(3.3%) 506(96.7%)
3 I hate anything like literary subjects (e.g. English Language,
literature-in-English, etc)
0 (0.0%)
4 All subjects involving calculation (mathematics,
physics, statistics, accounts, etc ) are detested
5 The Faculty of Arts has disciplines as history, communication
and Language Arts, English Language, Philosophy, theatre arts
and some other expressive programmes and I think that is
Where somebody like me belong.
6 I prefer one of the courses there considering my background which is
purely Art/humanities-based from High (Secondary) School subjects
7 Because of my future career ambition 497(95.0%) 26(5.0%)
8 I have always loved to be here in this Faculty 499(95.4%) 24(4.6%)
9 Because I know that I won’t have to offer any science-related
subject nor mathematics
European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 2009
Section [B] : Usefulness of Either Mathematics and, or Statistics to Programmes in the Faculty of Arts
Table II: Mathematics/Statistics Usefulness Distribution
s/n Item-Statement Agree Disagree
1 Mathematics is very useful to my course only 0 (0.0%) 523(100.0%)
2 It is only statistics that is directly related to my programme 5(1.0%) 518(99.0%)
3 Statistics and Mathematics are very useful to my programme 0(0.0%) 523(100.0%)
4 Both mathematics and statistics are not useful to courses in the
Faculty of Arts in any way
5 Information in my course does not need any quantification 457(87.4%) 66(12.6%)
6 They are neither related nor useful in any way to my area of
7 It could be, if it is only to enhance knowledge but not
directly relevant even after University career
Section [C]: If either or both Mathematics and Statistics are Compulsory for Certification what would you do?
Table III: Participants’ Reaction to Mathematics/Statistics Distribution
s/n Item-Statement Agree Disagree
1 I should not have applied in the first instance 493(94.3%) 30(5.7%)
2 I don’t think that will bother me at all 17(3.3%) 506(96.7%)
3 Well that will be alright 21(4.0%) 502(96.0%)
4 That could create confusion 489(93.5%) 34(6.5%)
5 I will definitely be in for some kind of trouble if that is the case 451(86.2%) 72(13.8%)
6 I don’t know if I will manage 471(90.1%) 52(9.9%)
7 That will give me joy as I usually like to calculate 19(3.6%) 504(96.4%)
8 My efforts and desires would be frustrated 458(87.6%) 65(12.4%)
Section [D]
1. Please rate the usefulness of Essential Mathematics (M1330) on a scale of 1-5:
[1=Very Useful] [2 = Useful] [3=Not Sure] [4=Useless] [5= Very Useless]
2. Please rate the usefulness of Elementary Statistics & Probability (ST1381) on a scale of 1-5:
[1=Very Useful] [2 = Useful] [3=Not Sure] [4=Useless] [5= Very Useless]
3. Given the choice to drop one, which one would you drop? [M1330] [ST1381]
4. Do you have any comments to make about Essential Mathematics?
5. Do you have any comments to make about Elementary Statistics & Probability?
Table IV:ANOVA Comparison of Participants’ Response to Usefulness of Mathematics
n=609 variance between schools
X=Mean Scores
F-score Sig.
European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 2009
University of Ibadan very not very
N useful useful sure useless useless
100 Level 83 14.3 16.1 11.9 45.8 64.7
200 Level 154 19.2 20.5 9.7 54.3 59.0
300 Level 125 10.1 8.5 3.8 55.4 41.2
400 Level 114 23.5 9.1 1.0 48.8 62.7
Postgraduate 47 29.2 12.6 6.9 57.2 41.5 4.09 P>0.05
First Year 0 0 0 0 0 0
second Year 59 9.1 12.2 8.6 50.0 54.4
Third Year 9 11.9 0.0 9.6 47.8 51.6
Fourth Year 7 4.8 13.5 7.8 35.8 53.8
Postgraduate 17 9.7 3.8 4.4 41.3 49.7
Unspecified 4 1.2 0.0 0.0 24.5 39.1 1.67 P>0.05
Table V :ANOVA Comparison of Participants’ Response to Usefulness of Statistics
n=609 variance between schools
X=Mean Scores
F-score Sig.
University of Ibadan very not very
No useful useful sure useless useless
100 Level 83 5.11 7.27 11.9 43.8 48.74
200 Level 154 1.40 11.11 4.3 51.7 34.30
300 Level 125 0.00 03.54 13.7 36.4 49.20
400 Level 114 13.70 9.30 24.7 31.5 44.60
Postgraduate 47 9.10 3.50 9.1 37.8 50.10 5.23 P>0.05
First Year 7 20.9 26.7 9.3 17.4 24.4
second Year 59 11.3 9.4 5.7 32.1 36.7
Third Year 9 9.5 5.8 9.3 15.4 44.7
Fourth Year 7 19.4 3.3 7.1 41.1 48.9
Postgraduate 17 10.0 0.0 12.3 37.5 55.3
Unspecified 4 6.7 1.5 0.8 9.4 13.9 2.6 P>0.05
Table VI:Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Comparing Outcome Details of Participants
Source of
Sum of
Main effects
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Universities(U.I.& NUL)
F (2, 607) =3.23; P<0.05
European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 2009
Usefulness of M1330
very useless
not sure
very useful
Figure 1: Perceived Usefulness of Essential Mathematics
European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 2009
Usefulness of ST1381
very useless
not sure
very useful
Figure 2: Perceived Usefulness of Elementary Statistics & Probability
Type of student
Percentage wishing to drop subject
12 6
Figure 3: Choice of Subject to Drop

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